Entity Power Animal Totems
For Entities 1 - 7 of Cadre One (The Love Cadre)
Entity One "The Pathfinder Entity" (+ Purpose - Service)
Entity Two "The Loud-Speaker Entity" (+ Stability - Balance)
Entity Three "The Shape-Shifter Entity" (+ Enterprise - Versatility)
Primary Role Composition: Warriors and Artisans, with smaller numbers of other roles.
Symbols: The Bull's Horn and The Crescent Moon
Related Cultural Context: (A High % of Incarnations) Norse, Viking Age, Scandanavian Exploration & Expansion Period (from approx. 700 - 1050 A.D.)
Norse Mythology ~ (A Video Series) A History Channel Documenary: The Vikings (parts 1-6)
Entity Expertise:
Multi-Cultural Indigenous Shamanism Death & Dying ~ Birth & Mid-wifery Feminism & Male/Female Equality
Wildebeest's Wisdom Includes:
- Movement toward new opportunities
- Ability to live with the masses
- Understanding of the value of travel
- The ability to move with the seasons
- Understanding of the power of the group in defense
- Knowing where to find what one requires instinctively
- Awareness of the whole group or entity
Guided by:
The Power of Inner Knowing, Opportunity and Right Action
| Primary Role Composition:
Artisans and Sages, with smaller numbers of other roles.
The Sun, The Solar Disk
Related Cultural Contexts: (A High % of Incarnations:)
Central Europe, Western Asia, Japan New Zealand, Australia, Hawaiian and the Philippine Islands.
Entity Expertise:
Cultural and Societal Engineers, Human and Animal Rights Advocacy, Pivotal Facilitation of Philosophical and Metaphorical *Core Concepts.*
Thoth and His Sacred Baboon
Baboon's Wisdom Includes:
Thoth is sometimes portrayed as a baboon as he stands in the Judgment Hall of Osirus in the land of the dead. Ancient records say that four apes sit beside the Lake of Fire near the throne of Osirus. They listen to all appeals of the soul and judge it before it can pass into the lands of Osirus.
- Defense of family
- Sacred to the God Thoth (God of wisdom)
- Sacred to the God Hapi (God of the Nile)
Guided by:
The Power of Energy-In-Motion, Cosmic Humor and Right Thought, Word & Deed
Primary Role Composition:
Artisans and Scholars, with smaller numbers of other roles.
The Mandala and The Sacred Mountain
Related Cultural Contexts: (A High % of Incarnations)
Tibet, Himalayas, Tibetan Buddhism, Indonesia, and The British Isles
Entity Expertise:
The Elemental & Devic Kingdoms, Sacred Mandala Art, Natural Health Care & Shamanic Healing
Tortoise Wisdom Includes:
- Symbol of the earth
- Connection with the center
- Navigation skills
- Patience
- Self-boundaries
- Associated with the feminine
- Power to heal female diseases
- Respecting the boundaries of others
- Developing new ideas
- Psychically protecting oneself
- Self-reliance
- Tenacity
- Non-violent defence
Guided by:
The Power of Wholeness, Grounding and Attainment
Entity Four "The Extraterrestrial Entity" (+ Consolidation - Achievement)
Primary Role Composition:
Artisans and Priests, followed by Servers, Scholars, Kings, and Sages. No Warriors.
The Solar Cross
Related Cultural Context: (A High % of Incarnations)
Northern Europe, Eurasia, North Africa and North America
Entity Expertise:
Ancient Civilizations & Languages, Inter-species Communication, Meditative Arts and Practices
Entity Four ~ "The ET Entity" ~ Dolphin |
| Dolphin/Porpoise's Wisdom Includes:
- Knowledge of the sea
- Patron of sailors
- Change
- Wisdom
- Balance
- Harmony
- Communication skills
- Freedom
- Trust
- Understanding the power of rhythm in your life
- Use of breath to release intense emotions
- Water element magic
- Keeper of Life-force energy, manna or "chi"
Guided by:
The Power of Light, Telepathy and Communication
Entity Five "The Teddy Bear Entity" (+ Expansion - Adventure)
| Entity Six "The Integrator Entity" (+ Harmony - Connection)
| Entity Seven "The Sweetheart Entity" (+ Inculcation - Eclecticism)
Primary Role Composition:
Scholars, Artisans & Priests, along with some Warriors, Kings, Servers, and Sages. Symbol:
The Cosmic Egg (aka: "The Expanding Egg")
Related Cultural Contexts: (A High % of Incarnations:)
South Asia and Southeastern Asia, Hinduism, Buddhism, TaoismEntity Expertise:
Cosmology and Tantric Practices
Salmon's Wisdom Includes:
- Value of returning home to regenerate
- Swimming upstream through emotional waters to gain insight
- Understanding divination messages
- Rebirth of spiritual knowledge
- Collecting experiences from afar
- Expanding one's knowledge base
Guided by:
The Power of Wandering and Home
| Primary Role Composition:
Kings, Scholars and Priests with some Artisans, Sages, Servers and Warriors
The Pearl and The Full Moon Full Moon Magic (Video)
Related Culural Contexts: (A High % of Incarnations)
Minoan Civilization (Crete), Hawaiian, Polynesian Islands Easter Island
BBC Documentary Videos: 1. Ancient Apocolypse ~ The Minoans 2. The Lost Gods of Easter Island 3. The Mystery of Easter Island
Minoan Octopus Art
Entity Expertise:
Leadership, Diplomacy and Statesmanship, Major World Religions
Octopus Wisdom Includes:
- Intelligence
- Moving rapidly away from danger when needed
- Proper use of smoke screens (ink) in evading enemies
- Destroying negative barriers
Guided by: The Power of Illumination, Attraction and Repulsion
| Primary Role Composition:
Priests and Servers, with a smaller number of Sages, Kings Scholars, Artisans and Warriors
The Ouroboros (the snake eating it's own tail)
Related Cultural Contexts: (A High % of Incarnations)
Ancient Indochina, Angkor Wat
BBC Documentary Film Video on Angkor Wat
Entity Expertise:
Group Dynamics, Social Services, Humanistic Psychology and Holistic Healing & Nutrition
Shrimp Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts
- Sustenance
- Ability withstand cold temperatures
- Group living
- Adaptability
Guided by:
The Power of Cycles, Completion and Regeneration
Cadre 2 Entity Animal Totems Will Be Coming Soon!
You are invited to check back again soon to see the progress!
Thanks for stopping by! ~ Terri