Celebrity Profiles a la Michael
MICHAEL PROFILE for President Barack Obama Channeled by Terri Claire Benning November 17th, 2008
Basic Overleaf Chart
Soul Age: 6th Mature Role: Priest ~ ET: Artisan Mode: Observation > Caution/Power Goal: Growth Attitude: Pragmatist > Idealist Centering: Intellectual Part: Moving Primary NCF: Arrogance Secondary NCF: Impatience Body Type: Saturn / Solar / Mars
Barack and Sasha are Essence Twins. (Barack = Priest / Sasha = Artisan) *Sasha Obama (Slideshow)
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| Full Casting Placements Cadre: 9 ~ Anchor cadre Entity: 2 ~ Artisan ~ (+ Stability - Balance) Block: 7 ~ King ~ Underlying Motivation = MASTERY Row: 5 ~ Sage ~ Global Job = UNION Casting Position: 4 ~ Scholar ~ Community Responsibility = CONCENTRATION Side: LOVE Raw #: 669
Barack and Michelle Obama are Task Companions.
MICHAEL PROFILE for First Lady Michelle Obama Channeled by Terri Claire Benning November 17th, 2008
Basic Overleaf Chart
Soul Age: 4th Mature Role: Warrior ~ ET: Scholar Mode: Perseverance > Aggression Goal: Discrimination Attitude: Realist Centering: Intellectual, Emotional Part Primary NCF: Stubbornness Secondary NCF: (mild) Martrydom Body Type: Saturn / Venusian
Michelle and Malia are Essence Twins. (Michelle = Warrior / Malia = Scholar) *Malia Obama (Slideshow)
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| Full Casting Placements
Cadre: 9 ~ Anchor Cadre Entity: 2 ~ Artisan ~ (+ Stability - Balance) Block: 6 ~ Priest ~ Underlying Motivation = SALVATION Row: 4 ~ Scholar ~ Global Job = SIMPLIFICATION Casting Position: 7 ~ King ~ Community Responsibility = OVERVIEW PERSPECTIVE Side: TRUTH Raw #: 273
Channeled by Terri Claire Benning September 23, 2007
Basic Overleaf Profile
Soul Age: 4th Old Role: Scholar ~ ET: Artisan Mode: Observation > Power Goal: Growth Centering: Intellectual Part: Higher Moving Attitude: Spiritualist Primary NCF: Arrogance Secondary NCF: Impatience Body Type: Saturn / Jupiter / Mars
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Full Casting Placements
Cadre: ~ 1 ~ Love Cadre Entity: ~ 6 ~ (Priest) ~ Integrator Entity Block: 5 ~ (Sage) ~ Underlying Motivation = COMMUNICATION Row: 2 ~ (Artisan) ~ Global Job = CIRCULATION Casting Position: 7 ~ (King) ~ Community Responsibility = RELEASE Side: Truth
Raw #: 210
MICHAEL PROFILE for Andrew Cohen Channeled by Terri Claire Benning September 23, 2007
Basic Overleaf Chart
Soul Age: 7th Mature Role: Sage ET: Server Mode: Passion Goal: Growth Centering: Intellectual Part: Emotional Attitude: Idealist Primary NCF: Impatience Secondary NCF: Self-Deprecation Body Type: Saturn / Solar
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| Full Casting Placements
Cadre: 1 ~ Love Cadre Entity: 5 ~ (Sage) ~ Expansion Entity Block : 7 ~ (King) Underlying Motivation = MASTERY Row: 6 ~ (Priest) Global Job = VISION Casting Position: 2 ~ (Artisan) Community Responsibility: INNOCENCE Side: Truth Raw #: 331
MICHAEL PROFILE for Dr. Don Beck Channeled by Terri Claire Benning September 23, 2007
Basic Overleaf Chart
Soul Age: 2nd Old Role: Scholar ET: Warrior Mode: Power Goal: Acceptance Centering: Intellectual Part: Higher Emotional Attitude: Realist Primary NCF: Greed Secondary NCF: Stubborness Body Type: Jovial / Lunar / Venusian
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| Full Casting Placements
Cadre: 1 ~ Love Cadre Entity: 6 ~ (Priest) ~ Integrator Entity Block: 2 ~ (Artisan) Underlying Motivation = INVENTION ROW: 4 ~ (Scholar) Global Job = DISCOVERY Casting Position: 1 ~ (Server) Community Responsibility = RECOGNITION Side: LOVE Raw #: 414
MICHAEL PROFILE for Dr. Clare Graves Channeled by Terri Claire Benning September 23, 2007
Basic Overleaf Chart
(This fragment is now deceased, however, these are the overleaves of the personality that was once Dr. Clare Graves.)
Soul Age: 3rd old Role: Scholar ET: Warrior Mode: Perseverance Goal: Growth Attitude: Idealist Centering: Intellectual Part: Moving Primary NCF: Stubborness Secondary NCF: Impatience Body Type: Jupiter / Lunar / Mars
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| Full Casting Placements
Cadre: 1 ~ Love Cadre Entity: 6 ~ Integrator Entity Block: 2 ~ (Artisan) ~ Underlying Motivation = INVENTION Row: 3 ~ (Warrior) ~ Global Job = LOCATION Casting Position: 6 ~ (Priest) ~ Community Responsibility = COURAGE Side: LOVE Raw #: 412
"The Never Ending Quest" A book by Dr. Clare Graves
Task Group Dynamics ~ The Quadrate
What is the difference between a "Quadrate" and a "Quadrant?" A quadrate is a whole unit consisting of four distinct quadrants. The whole unit can be a circle, a square or rectangular in shape. The word "quadrate" refers to the whole unit, while the word "quadrant" refers to each of the four individual "parts" within that greater whole.
There has been some confusion regarding the correct use of these terms over the years, thus clarification of the terms is offered below before continuing on with the section on "Quadrates."
Dictionary Definitions:
quad·rate (kwä′drit, -drāt′; for v., -drāt′)
(adjective) ~ 1. square or nearly square; rectangular (noun) ~ 1. a square or rectangle 2. a square or rectangular space, thing, etc.
quad·rant (kwä′drnt) ~ (noun)
- a fourth part of the circumference of a circle; an arc of 90°
- a quarter section of a circle
- any piece or part shaped like a quarter section of a circle
- an instrument similar to the sextant in design and function, and superseded by it
- Geom. any of the four parts formed by rectangular coordinate axes on a plane surface
The Four Quadrant Positions ~ Corresponding Centers, Roles and "Departments"
All people will experience each of the four different quadrant positions at some point in their lives. Most experience them even in the course of living just a single day. Groups of four fall into these quadrant positions quite naturally in the course of their everyday life activities, such as when two couples decide go out to dinner together or a family of four plans a weekend outing. Each person will feel naturally drawn toward the quadrant position which best suits their own essential nature, easily and effortlessly, and they will naturally begin to take on the function of that position, with or without awareness of the fact that they are doing so.
Whether long term, spanning lifetimes to accomplish a specific task, or short term, lasting no longer than a few hours, quadrates are a natural part of life. It is not truly necessary to know who fills which position for the task to be fulfilled, as quadrates will operate quite naturally and automatically all by themselves. Conscious awareness of the four positions can, however, be fun, informative and can assist you in recognizing and validating each person's part in the play. This makes the whole "game of life" even more fun and rewarding when one can become consciously aware of the dynamics of the game itself.
In the Michael teachings, certain roles tend to gravitate naturally to each of the four quadrant positions, however, ANY role can fulfill any of the four positions at any time, if they so choose. This is simply the most common way the roles in essence will tend to show up in quadrate group formation as a general rule of thumb. We have adopted the analogy of a business or a "company" environment as an example of how each of these four positions might show up in one's daily life experiences.
1. LOVE ~ Artisans or Sages ~ Emotional Center ~ (Marketing Dept.)
Love position says, "Lets do a new line of products."
The Love position person is the "visionary" of the group. This is the person who first comes up with the original idea for something new and different, and proposes this new idea to the rest of the group. They see the potential that the new concept, invention or product represents. They are the ones who "see" what other's have yet to envision and/or to recognize as potentially valuable or useful to others. The love position person provides the creative "vision" and inspiration for the new idea, concept, invention or product to be launched and made manifest in the world.
Due to the highly creative and expressive nature of artisans and sages, they often find themselves drawn to fill the Love position function quite naturally.
The LOVE position corresponds to the emotional center in the Michael Teachings. Such creative inspirations are often a "labor of love" initially, which is a good term for the function of the Love position as well.
The Love position person works closely with the Power position person.
2. KNOWLEDGE ~ Scholars ~ Intellectual Center ~ (Research Dept.)
Knowledge position says, "I'll find out how many American's own x widget".
The knowledge position person has all of the pertinent information related to the new concept, invention or product at their command. They often act as a kind of advisor to the group, and can give grounded feedback supported by well documented and researched "data," when called upon to do so. If they don't know the precise piece of information requested by their quadrate mates, they usually know exactly where to find it, and are often eager to do the research required on the subject matter in order to bring the needed information to light. The knowledge position person is the key "go to" person for any and all information as it would pertain to successful completion of the agreed upon task, project and/or purpose of the quadrate.
By nature, scholars are often drawn to fill the Knowledge position function, and excell at doing so, although any role in essence can fill any of the four quadrant positions, of course.
The KNOWLEDGE position corresponds to the intellectual center in the Michael teachings.
The Knowledge position person works closely with the Support position person.
3. POWER ~ Warriors or Kings ~ Moving Center ~ (Production Dept.)
Power position says, "I'll start the machines!" The Power position person is often the last person to join the quadrate group, and often shows up when the new concept, invention or product is ready to go to into production and/or be taken to market. Because the power position works so closely with the love position person, this person may also show up in tandem with the love position person, although this is not as often the case. Once the Power position person has joined the group however, things will really begin to take off quickly. The rest of the task group needs to be ready for the arrival of the Power position person, for once they have arrived on the scene, the group is poised to move forward very rapidly from that point. This is why the Power position person is often the last to join the task group quadrate. The power position person is the one who has the "power" to make it happen in the real world, and to "make it so."
Kings and Warriors are often drawn to fulfill the function of the Power position, due to their natural proclivity to take grounded actions when needed and their great sense of organization and timing. Of course, this function can be filled by any role in essence, although it is quite likely that the person who fills the Power position in the quadrate will have either strong king or warrior casting placements and/or action axis overleaves in their charts, if they do choose to assume this role and function in the quadrate.
The Power position corresponds to the MOVING center in the Michael Teachings.
The Power position person works closely with the Love position person.
4. SUPPORT ~ Priests or Servers ~ Instinctive Center ~ (Personel Dept.)
The Support position says, "I have just the person for you to talk to."
The Support position person gets along well with the rest of the positions in most cases and this person helps to grease the wheels between the quadrate members when differences of opinions, stress or conflicts arise between them. Thus, they are often the "glue" that keeps the group working together more smoothly so the quadrant has a stronger probability for successful completion of the task they have chosen to undertake together. The support position person has a good feel for each of the other members of the quadrate, and may be the one to introduce the other members into the group and/or to one another initially. This person usually takes time to listen to each position's "concerns" in turn, and keeps communication flowing between all four quadrant positions. They are usually compassionate and can see all sides of an issue or a problem and can facilitate a neutral decision or course of action to take that will keep all of the group members happy and content working together as a group on their chosen task.
Thus, the Support position person functions as the "neutral" center for the group, and assists the group in assimilating the best of it's notions into a working whole that benefits all concerned.
Here, Priests tend to gravitate towards and to excell at this "job" due to their exalted perspective, however Servers are also very good at supporting their fellow quadrate members as well.
The Support position person works closely with the Knowledge position person.
Regarding Axis Pairings in a Quadrate
Within the quadrate structure, the 1. LOVE and 3. POWER positions are strongly drawn to work together toward the accomplishment of the goal, and the 2. KNOWLEDGE and 4. SUPPORT positions share a close reciprocal working bond, each pair occuring naturally on their own axis. All members of the quadrant will engage with one another in due course of fulfilling the chosen task, of course, however these natural axis pairings do tend to be relatively consistent across the board.
[For more information on the above materials, see pages 156 - 167, in "Tao to Earth" by Jose Stevens, Ph.D.]
Example of a Working Quadrate
1. LOVE = Dr. Clare Graves (deceased) ~ Psychology Professor and Scientist ~ BIO
Dr. Clare W. Graves [1914 - 1986] ~ "The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order systems as man's existential problems change,."
Clare W. Graves, Ph.D, was a visionary thinker who began laying the groundwork for the theory behind the Spiral Dynamics application in the 1950s. Dr. Graves was born in 1914 in New Richmond, Indiana, and died in 1986.
Dr. Graves developed a comprehensive model of adult biopsychosocial systems development—or “emergent cyclical levels of existence theory”—as well as practical applications for it. His theory suggests that every individual or collective consciousness falls somewhere in, between, or among these various levels of being which are not types of people but ways of thinking about a thing. When a managerial application was published in the Harvard Business Review in 1966, the theory attracted wide attention and Dr. Graves became the subject of several magazine and newspaper articles. Poor health abruptly stopped his major work in the late 1970s.
2. KNOWLEDGE = Ken Wilber ~ (founder of Integral Institute) ~ BIO
Ken Wilber is the world's leading “integral” philosopher. The author of such titles as A Brief History of Everything (1996) and A Theory of Everything (2000), his philosophy integrates body, mind, soul, and Spirit with self, culture, and nature. Integral philosophy is rapidly becoming a powerful presence in fields as diverse as politics and spirituality, psychology and business, medicine, and art.
Revered as the “Einstein of consciousness,” Wilber has written sixteen books exploring different facets of human development and cultural evolution. His first book, The Spectrum of Consciousness (1977), written when he was only 23, became a seminal text in the emerging field of transpersonal psychology. His most recent book, Boomeritis (2002), is a novelized critique of our postmodern culture and a call to move to a higher, more integral relationship to life. He is currently finishing the third volume of his Kosmos Trilogy, the most up-to-date summation of his continually evolving philosophy.
3. POWER = Dr. Don Beck ~ (founder of Spiral Dynamics, Inc.) ~ BIO
Don Beck has been developing, implementing, and teaching the evolutionary theory of Spiral Dynamics for more than three decades. Beck has elaborated upon the work of his mentor, Clare Graves, to develop a multidimensional model for understanding the evolutionary transformation of human values and cultures. As cofounder of the National Values Center in Denton, Texas, and CEO of the Spiral Dynamics Group, Inc., Beck is employing the Spiral Dynamics model to effect large-scale systems change in and among various sectors and societies of the world. He is the author of Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership & Change, written with Christopher Cowan in 1996.
Beck's long consulting career has taken him to such diverse settings as 10 Downing Street to consult with Tony Blair's Policy Unit; the south side of Chicago to address the problems faced by inner-city schools; the World Bank to consider the future of Afghanistan; and the boardrooms of major banks, energy companies, airlines, and government agencies. In his 63 trips to South Africa between 1981 and 1988, he had significant impact on political leaders, the business sector, religious leadership, and the general public in order to help bring about the peaceful transition from apartheid to democracy. Out of his experiences there, Beck wrote The Crucible: Forging South Africa's Future (1991) with Graham Linscott. Dr. Beck presented his Spiral Dynamics theory before the United Nations in 2007.
4. SUPPORT = Andrew Cohen ~ (founder EnlightenNext and What is Enlightenment? Magazines) ~ BIO
Andrew Cohen is redefining the spiritual ideal of enlightenment for the twenty-first century. Through his revolutionary philosophy, his award-winning magazine, and his work with thousands of individuals and groups around the world, he is dedicated to creating nothing less than a revolution in consciousness and culture.
Andrew Cohen is an American spiritual teacher and visionary thinker widely recognized for his original contribution to the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality. Through his talks, retreats, publications, and ongoing dialogues with the leading philosophers, mystics, and activists of our time, he is becoming a defining voice in an international alliance of individuals and organizations who are committed to the transformation of human consciousness and culture.
(Click on any thumbnail below to see an enlarged screen slide show of the photos and their quadrant positions.)