Understanding the Seven Stages of an Octave Michael Channeling on Octaves by Terri Claire Benning
(channeled January 2000) What Exactly Is An Octave?
An octave is a seven stage unit of experience and learning within a particular area of study or focus which is chosen and undertaken by essence as a means by which to gain progress along the path of return to the Tao.
An octave learning experience is based upon the development and progression of the individual essence/fragment through each of the seven stages of the particular octave of experience chosen. In its truest sense, it is an interdisciplinary study of all seven stages of such learning and experience. The accumulation of all learning experiences gained through the progression of the essence/fragment through each of the seven stages of the octave of experience itself is then thoroughly digested, integrated, evaluated, and inculcated in the final stages of the octave.
The octave learning experience is the way in which essence gains certain kinds of experience, and accumulates units, or credits, in a particular course of study that has been chosen as its major, and/or its minor, in what could be termed, the physical plane "school of life."
Major and Minor Octaves:
There are major octaves of experience requiring several lifetimes to complete and there are also what would be termed minor octaves as well. The basic underlying principals of how these octaves work remain the same however in either case. Progression through each stage within an octave learning experience is constructed upon the foundation of that which has come before it and each stage is then gathered up and included in the carry over into the next stage of the learning.
All results then are accumulative in nature, and are not singular at each stage, as one would experience say, in the climbing of a stairway, wherein the last step is simply left behind you and one would simply go forth from whatever stair, (or stage) that one may happen to be standing upon now. Octave learning experiences are accumulative, progressive, and essentially evolving for the essence/fragment.
Major Octaves = Required Life Courses ~ Minor Octaves = Elective Life Courses
(We would now give information on the ordinal and the exalted levels of the seven stage process, or the octave learning experience.)
The Seven Stages of an Octave
There exists an underlying structure to an octave, or to a seven stage unit of experience. Each stage within an octave has a particular energy tone or vibration to it that corresponds to or resonates with each of the seven roles in essence. In other words, each stage contains within it's particular tonal vibration a certain flavor or energy vibration to it that is felt and responded to by the essence/fragment/personality. These seven tones, or stages, collectively, are what comprise the underlying sequential energy of the octave experience, and provide essence with the opportunity for progression throughout the octave learning experience.
This combination of the last stage of the current octave, with that of the first stage of the next octave, is what might be considered the "8th tone," or the connecting octave, of the learning experience. This 8th tone, or octave, occurs quite naturally when the essence has navigated the entirety of the seven stages of an octave from within a predominantly positive pole orientation toward the learning experience chosen.
Negative pole orientation toward the octave learning experience, however, will not have the same effect or final result, in terms of essence's launch into the next octave of experience.
[We will address this aspect of the information, toward the end of this work.]
The Ordinal Triad Stages of an Octave
The first three tones, or stages, within an octave are referred to as the ordinal triad stages. The ordinal triad stages are primarily INTERNALLY focused and the learning gained is brought to bear upon the essence/fragment/personality itself.
The ordinal triad stages are:
1. Server 2. Artisan 3. Warrior
Generally speaking, the first three stages of the learning, regardless of the relative area of study or emphasis that is sought by essence, will have as a central or core focus the internal alignment of the fragment/personality with that of the essence.
1. Server Stage
The 1st level or tone of the octave progression initiates the predominant orientation toward the octave of experience desired by essence. It is that initial level which will determine the basic underlying positive or negative pole orientation of the essence/fragment toward the undertaking itself. Whether navigated from the positive pole orientation or from the negative pole orientation, it is this first stage which will set the tone for the rest of the stages to come. Therefore, positive pole navigation of the initial stage is much preferable to negative pole orientation for this very reason.
The initiation of the octave progression is where the essence/fragment will choose it's primary orientation toward the learning to come, and will orient itself toward the work that will be navigated throughout the entirety of the learning.
2. Artisan Stage
The second tone corresponds with that of the artisan, and it is at this level that the essence/fragment will begin to create the conditions that would best facilitate the octave learning experience itself. It is at the second level, that the essence/fragment will develop the desired involvement(s) that would support the octave progression.
It is here that the physical plane conditions, the environment, the correct atmosphere and the fragments who would support the fragment in it's journey through the octave progression are brought into the fragment's immediate environment, effectively "setting the stage" for the following stage acts to come.
3. Warrior Stage
The third tone corresponds to that of the Warrior, and it is at this level that the essence/fragment will encounter *itself,* so to speak, most acutely. This is the level of confronting one's inner dragons most predominately. It is often at the third level, or tone, that the essence/fragment will encounter the most difficulty with it's imprinting, negative chief feature influences, and false personality maya, in terms of fulfilling and the entire seven stage sequence and completing the octave learning experience. Here is where many fragment's will choose whether to continue with the remaining stages of the octave progression, or not. If there is a stage that either "makes it or breaks it" for the fragment, this is it.
A fragment may be particularly inclined to abdicate the sequence progression at this stage if they have been thus far inclined more heavily toward the negative pole navigation of the sequence than toward the positive pole orientation. The warrior level then is the level wherein the fragment's own inner dragons and negative chief feature influences must be squarely confronted and addressed prior to continuing on with the octave sequence progression.
The learning experience is primarily INTERNAL within the first three stages as progress within the ordinal triad of the octave is brought to bear upon that of the Self.
The Transitional Stage (4th stage)
4. Scholar Stage
The 4th stage of the octave learning corresponds with that of scholar, and as such, is assimilative in nature. At the fourth stage of the octave, the emphasis or focus of the learning begins to shift from the INTERNAL alignment of the essence/fragment/personality, OUTWARD toward an EXTERNAL alignment of the essence/fragment/personality, with that of the greater external whole, or with that of the fragment's environment.
The fourth level of the octave learning is where the essence/fragment/personality takes stock of it's ordinal or its own INTERNAL progress to date within the octave experience, and then begins to expand, or to extend and to apply all such experience and learning gathered thus far OUTWARD in the continuing exalted triad stages of the octave, as would then be implemented within the EXTERNAL environment itself.
Thus, the learning gained from the progression throughout the octave thus far is then brought to bear also upon one's external environment' as well as upon that of the self.
Regarding Evolution and Involution: (and the Seven Stages)
[*Note: A note here would not be inappropriate. The ordinal triad experience is also integrally intertwined with what could be termed "involution," while that of the exalted triad learning experience could be equated with that of “evolution.” We have more to give on this, however the channel would have to be prepared for the transmission of this information prior to delivery.]
The Exalted Stages of an Octave
The 5th stage of any seven stage process marks the beginning of what we would term the “exalted triad stages” of the octave progression.
The exalted stages are:
5. Sage 6. Priest 7. King
In the exalted triad stages of the octave progression, the essence/fragment/personality is demonstrating and implementing all that which has been accumulated thus far in the octave learning and experience.
5. Sage Stage
The octave theme, or course of study, is integrated at the 5th level, or tone and this is then brought to bear upon the external environment as well as upon that of the self. At the 5th stage, the fragment will begin to reach out to peers, and outward toward others who would be interested and/or inclined toward the investigation of such a sequence as this fragment is traversing and will share it's own personal experiences with that other fragment, or group of fragments.
The urge to TALK about the fragment's personal experiences within the octave experience grows stronger, and the urge to extend the self outward towards others grows in kind. There is also a rapid expansion and outward thrust to learn MORE about this octave theme at this stage as well. Thus, exploration of and the extension of the fragment's studies in the area also become more pronounced at this 5th stage of the seven stage sequence progression.
6. Priest Stage
The essence/fragment/personality evaluates all such learning and experience on the octave theme thus far in the light of Truth in the 6th tone, or level of the octave learning. That which is deemed valuable and useful to essence is integrated and retained, and that which is no longer useful or valid to the essence/fragment is relinquished, or cast off, at the 6th stage of the octave experience. All experiences thus far in the seven stage process are evaluated in the light of Truth as that fragment has come to recognize such truth thus far along it's path of return to the Tao.
7. King Stage
The 7th stage is the final level of the octave learning progression, and as such, also begins the *next* octave of experience on the chosen theme in the ongoing experience and development of the essence itself.
It is at this final stage of the learning, where essence/fragment/personality shows (or demonstrates) itself to have been involved in the octave experience most predominantly from either the positive pole orientation, or from the negative pole orientation within the ongoing progression throughout the entirety of the octave.
If the predominant orientation toward the learning has been experienced primarily from within the positive pole of the accumulated learning and experience, then this orientation itself will be shown to be the final result of the undertaking.
If essence was greatly obscured throughout the octave progression, then this too shall be *shown* as truth in the final or completion stage as the final result of the octave learning and experience then as well. It is *shown* in the final stage of the learning then, all that has been most predominant in the entirety of the octave learning experience, whether that predominant orientation is from the positive pole navigation of the octave experience, or from the negative pole experience.
All is shown as truth in the final tone, or stage, and all accumulated experience is then fully inculcated by essence, and is either retained, or relinquished by essence/fragment/personality in the final stage of the octave progression.
"Successful Navigation" vs. Completion on the Octave
Successful navigation from within a positive pole orientation in the final or 7th tone, will automatically "launch" the next octave of the learning on that particular theme or area of study for the essence/fragment/personality.
Completion from the negative pole orientation will NOT do this, however. If the octave progression was navigated and experienced predominantly from the negative pole orientation toward the learning sequence, then essence will most often choose to *repeat* the course of study from the positive pole orientation at a later date, before moving on to the next octave of the ongoing learning experience.
This *repeat* may be done within the current lifetime, or in another incarnational experience.
The successful navigation of the octave theme, or course of study, will then be attempted from within the positive pole orientation, with all such negative pole experience intact in the essence's awareness of that prior negative pole learning experience. This too then shall be brought to bear upon the octave experience in the next attempt at successful navigation of the octave progression, as that of the essence's perception and awareness itself, of the pitfalls encountered in the previous attempt at successful navigation of the octave.
Transitioning an Octave: (the 8th tone)
To move from one octave of the learning into the next octave experience, ALWAYS requires the successful navigation of the octave experience from within a predominantly positive pole orientation.
This impetus then is what launches the essence itself into the next octave level of the learning on that particular theme. Each octave of experience readies the essence/fragment/personality for the next octave of the learning on that theme. One does not progress oneself along the path of return to the TAO, in terms of the octave learning itself, from within the negative pole orientation.
All progress through any such octaves of experience must be navigated from within the positive pole experience *BEFORE* the next level is then undertaken. That is just how this works. All experience is VALID in terms of essence experience, this is true, yes. However, essence's progress itself, along the path of return to the Tao is predicated on the "successful navigation" of the octave learning from within the positive pole of such experience, *ALWAYS.*
No progress is gained from the negative pole orientation in terms of essence's progression along the path of return to the Tao.
Completion, and "successful navigation" of any such learning are not one and the same thing, unfortunately, although many fragments today do believe this to be the case.
However, we would like to remind all here, that this is certainly NOT the case.
MICHAEL: We are ready to take inquiries at this time.
Questioner 1: I would like to ask about the progression through octaves. What I understand is that once you successfully navigate through an octave, in the positive pole and begin another octave, is it a continuing course of study? Or, is it a new course? In other words, do you do say, elementary education, secondary education and graduate school, or do you pick another area of study?
MICHAEL: Yes, this would be the case, in many instances. This would be the case particularly, within what we have termed the Major Octaves, such as Love.
Questioner 1: So, that's why it takes so many lives in the physical?
MICHAEL: The learning of the essence/fragment is progressive in nature, and evolves relative to the soul age progression as well. In a sense, you could say that the Octave learning progressions are what undergird the physical soul age learning and progress of the fragment itself, throughout the physical plane experience. So the learning on the major octave of LOVE say, may include many "minor octaves" of experience as well, in the course of the entirety of the physical plane experience.
Some of the minor octaves within that of the major octave of LOVE might include such themes as Abuse, Co-dependency, Abandonment, Security, Counseling, Divine Love, Unconditional Love, or Agape` (in the older soul stages of the Major Octave of Love, say.) Or perhaps Empathy would be another theme within the Mature soul age levels.
The minor octaves create the FOCUS of the learning on the Major Octave themes, in other words. They become the areas of specialization or of *focus* for the specific explorations of the essence/fragment throughout the lives lived. Each essence/fragment will design a totally unique course of study for their evolution. There are many, many options available for essence to choose from in order to create all of the richness, fullness, depth and breadth of experience desired.
We would also like to include, for the records, within the body of this discourse, the existence of what might be termed the Grand Cycle Octaves as well. Grand Cycle Octaves comprise the deepest levels of the ongoing octave experiences. The effects of this arrangement of the various Octaves are layered and intertwined within the greater octaves in such a way as to create the ultimate evolutionary experience for each grand cycle of the chosen essence role within the greater octaves, that is.
Thus, octaves are *not limited* to the physical plane experience only. They exist both before and after such physical plane learning for the essence itself as well.
Questioner 2: You mentioned Love. What other sorts of lessons are learned, or can be chosen to be learned, in octaves? Can you give us some examples?
MICHAEL: Yes, we would be pleased to do so. Grand cycle octaves are difficult to name simply because they are so vast, and so all encompassing. However, we will attempt to give something that is closely recognizable to the personality for the purposes of this discourse. Some grand cycle octaves might include such themes as Will, Law, Oneness, Creation, Cosmos, Star and/or Planetary Consciousness, Evolution. This type of undertaking resides within the deepest levels of the essence experience itself.
Major Octaves may include "required" courses such as:
Love, Spirituality, Physicality, Energy, Species Development and Genetic Engineering, within a certain specific planetary experience, say.
Minor Octaves may include specific "elective courses" within the larger framework of the grand cycle Major Octaves, such as:
Human (Species) Development, Religion, Philosophy, Science, Law, Philanthropy, Poverty, Wealth, Fame, Obscurity, Salvation, etc. Minor Octaves *focus* the essence experience through the eyes of the fragment itself, in other words.
We are just beginning to give this information through our currently active channels at this time, and there is much more information to be developed and brought forth in this vein in the years to come. We have only just begun to scratch the surface of this material at this time, but we have found that many of you older souls are indeed ready to receive and to make good use of this information, and so it will all be given in time. For this discourse, however, we feel that we have given an adequate introduction to the information for now.
The Michael teachings will be disseminated in much the same way. We will give the information that we have to offer in 7 Waves, or in 7 Stages total. You are currently in the throes as it were, of the initial stage of the 3rd WAVE of the teachings at this time. [Chat dated 2002] This would correspond to that of warrior, in the 3rd level of the learning of our students. (please refer back to the ordinal triad information)
This is one reason why there has been so much warrior energy brought to bear upon many recent events. You are, collectively speaking, currently navigating the 3rd TONE of the Michael Teachings Octave in other words. This level, or tone, is where False Personality Maya, NCF influences, and other such "inner dragons" will be encountered, and dealt with, before moving into the transitional 4th wave of the Michael Teachings themselves.
We have specific agreements, with specific mediums or channels for each wave of the teachings. These agreements will be activated, accordingly. We have such agreements with over 200 fragments at this time, some of which may choose to abdicate such agreements. We come through to specific mediums based upon the requirements of each Wave or level of the overall information that we have planned to give throughout the entirety of our teaching from the causal plane.
Perhaps this information will assist you toward a greater understanding of the current challenges of the warrior level extant at this time.
Thank you all for attending this evening, and if there are no further questions, we will conclude our discourse at this time. Good night. END.
Copyright January 2000 ~ Terri Claire Benning ~ All Rights Reserved